In Latvia, there are several minerals, including rocks used for building. According to Latvia’s law on subsurface profundities, mud, soil, sand and gravel, soft freshwater minerals, peat layers, clay, loamy sand, and laterite are all common natural resources. Along with those components, Latvia also possesses dolomite and limestone. The mining of metallic iron ore, alloys, and jewels is not ongoing in Latvia. Exploration is done in the second part of the 20th century, however, suggests that the aforementioned priceless resources of the deep depths may be located there. The primary law regulating mining in Latvia is the Legislation on Vast Underground Profundities. By outlining the requirements for their maintenance, this act intends to ensure that subterranean levels are utilized in a competent, efficient, environmentally responsible, and long-term way.

Latvian mining permit

To research, explore, and exploit vast subterranean depths, a company or statutory body has to get permission. To utilize massive natural wealth, the company or person may sometimes need to get a permit granted by the self-government. For geophysical research, a certificate is necessary. If the landlord is a city or municipal authority, they may participate in subterranean profundities as long as the Subterranean Profundities Ordinance and other legislative regulations do not restrict their rights. In terms of mining, if a company wants to conduct mining activities, it must first acquire property ownership or lease agreements since, according to common law and the Act on Caverns Profundities, the landlord owns the profundity’s underpinnings and any mineral riches contained inside. Finding out if a geophysical investigation was done and whether the resources are A (authorized) or N is crucial (evaluated). Only equities that fall into the A or N categories are practical for mining. A geographical inquiry must be done first if the region intended for mining mineral assets has not been first investigated or equities have not been recognized. Before mining may start, a report of the geographical investigation must be submitted for approval to the Latvian Climate, Geology, and Meteorology Institute. The person or business should apply to the National Environmental Agency for a reserve license and particular extraction limits after finishing the research and approval of natural reserves stocks.

Petition to the Regional Environmental Committee

The petition must be submitted to the Regional Environmental Committee for a first Assessment upon receipt of the license and limitation. Though permission is given in a town, even if an EIA is not necessary, the Regional Environmental Board (REB) offers useful instructions. The petitioner will be required to present an EIA assessment whose components are following the Environmental State Bureau’s program if the appropriate agency agrees to perform an EIA procedure. Before presenting the study to the ESB, the petitioner creates an environmental evaluation, performs community consultations, and then revises the report. The municipality ultimately decides whether to proceed with the projected project, while the ESB renders a verdict on the EIA study. The applicant must file an appeal for a license or permit to the National Environmental Agency or the city councils after getting a positive decision from the local authorities.

The licensing fee

The State levy must be paid to get a reserve certificate, a permit to utilize underground levels, and permission to mine for abundant natural resources. The State levy amount and payment methods will be decided by the Cabinet.

Mining and quarrying business permits in Latvia

The following licenses are typically needed in Latvia for mining and quarrying operations:

Authorization to exploit naturally existing mineral resources

The local municipality releases this. Before this, the State Environmental Service must obtain the deposit passport for all mineral resources—aside from groundwater—as well as the State Environmental Service’s prescribed limit for resource extraction.

Use of license for underground depths

The State Environmental Service issues this license.

Permit for adding soil to a marine accommodation

State Environmental Service issues this permit.

Permit for using hydrocarbons

The Republic of Latvia’s Ministry of Economics grants this permit.

Permit for hydrocarbon production and exploration

The Republic of Latvia’s Ministry of Economics grants this permit.

A license for using natural resources

The State Environmental Service issues this license.

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