Bookkeeping for business
Accounting services in Latvia include:
- Initial inspection of source documents.
- Entering the source documents into accounting registers.
- Calculation of salaries and preparation of payroll.
- Calculation of vacation and preparation of vacation payment list, sick-pay calculation.
- Preparation of other documents concerned with employees (for example, preparation of working time table).
- Calculation of taxes and interpretation of information about amount of taxes, terms of payments and bank account numbers.
- Preparation and submission to State revenue service and other institutions all necessary reports (including VAT reports, payroll reports, annual reports, declaration about personal and company income tax).
- Preparation of organizational documentation concerned with accounting.

Advantages of using an outsourcing accounting services:
- You do not need to create working place for accountant (so you can diminish expenses).
- Usually circulation of information in accounting company is greater (so representative of accounting company has more information about events related to accounting and taxes).
- You do not need to pay for vacation to accounting company.
- You can control all information and documents which you give to accounting company, so accounting company will receive just necessary information and documents for accountancy.