Migration office news
Migration Office of Latvia exceeds their power to issue residence permits
On September 2012, Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (CPCB) initiated criminal process regarding potential corruption at Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (OCMA).
CPCB informed that there are evidences, that two OCMA officials have received money funds from private companies representatives aimed to adopt favourable decision and to provide issuance of residence permits and personal documents to persons coming from different states. The persons are in charge of accepting bribes and using their position in maliciously manner during their office at Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs. Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs is a state authority dealing with migration and issues related to identity and travel documents, determination of legal status of persons and naturalization, implementation of state migration policy, including issuance of residence permits, working permits and approving invitation letters in the course of obtaining visa. According to Latvian Criminal Law accepting a bribe or the offer of a bribe, committed by a State official personally or through an intermediary, prior to the committing or non-committing of a lawful or illegal act in the interests of the giver of the bribe, the actions fall under criminal liability.